Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

What I am Thankful for:

ALL the wonderful blessing in my life, including but certainly not limited to:

My sweet husband and children
Wonderful supportive extended family and friends
The faithfulness of God even when I'm not
Being able to home school my children
My kitty cat :)

I asked the kids to write a Thanksgiving poem and here they are:
ps: We don't kill our own turkey! HA!

Turkeys For Lunch
by Callie
We’re going to have turkeys for lunch
I got to keep all the feathers
They go gobble, gobble, squeeeeeek
I hate the part when Daddy takes a butcher knife
And tears the turkey apart
The turkey tried to get away
from Daddy with the butcher knife
And that’s the end of the turkey
Goggle gobble squeeeek!

I Love God
by James
I love you God
I love you so much
I love you the most
I appreciate what you say
And I do what you say
And I love you so much

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ron Paul Devotional ?!?!

Yes, I know...everyone is thinking.."Cheryl is becoming obsessed with Ron Paul. She's turning into a political fanatic." My husband even said to me the other day,

"Did you do your Ron Paul devotional this morning?"

Ha....Ha...Very funny! (In sarcastic tone) Well it did make me think that I wished he was as gung-ho about it all as I am. He's interested but not to the point I am....YET! I'll keep working on him! It also made me think that it was going to take people being fanatical to get him elected! I had a very nice comment from a fellow homeschooler who supports Ron Paul on my last post! I appreciate the encouragement.

That comment from my husband also sort of cut to the heart and made me realize that I am putting my enthusiasm for this election above other responsibilities. Namely my relationship with the Lord. It seems like with all my responsibilities of being a mother, homemaker, teacher, wife, now Ron Paul enthusiast, I have been neglecting God in my thoughts and actions. I really pray that the Lord will forgive me and help me find that balance in my life.

This also made me realize that here I am wanting to get out and campaign for Ron Paul and I have not done a good job of "campaigning for Jesus Christ". I want so much to be a better witness to others for Him. It is so hard for me to talk with others one on one about spiritual things. So here I am laying it out on the line for all of cyberspace to hold me accountable.

Soon I will post my personal testimony to my blog. But before I do that, just in case there is anyone who is reading this post who would like to know about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ please click here and here. I think these are excellent explanations!!

Click here for a Very funny, but oh-so-true video I stumbled upon on Godtube about the excuses people give for NOT witnessing to others. I can so relate!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Political Field Trip

Today we went to the unveiling of the new Republican headquarters for our county. Well in actuality it is the campaign HQ for a man named Keith Rothra, that is running for republican chairman. He says he wants to bring unity to the fragmented Republican Party. If he wins it will be the official Republican HQ. I think this is a good thing as we have no official place for the party now. I looked up the current chairman's website and all it is is a blank page with a place to send an email. I can't say that I know what the current chairperson has done because I have not gotten involved until now. At least Mr. Rothra wants to do something and bring about change. He seems very enthusiastic about it.
I read over his website and I agree with the majority of what he says except his stand on the war. This is not surprising since Ron Paul is the only Republican wanting to bring the troops home. At least he is willing to use his HQ to publicize ALL candidates and let our RP meet up group leader leave RP fliers/signs for people to take if they wanted them! We went to show support for Ron Paul and for homeschoolers. I think it is good for kids to see that political issues are important and to get involved as a family! Thank you Ron Paul for curing my political apathy!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fun at Memaws & Pawpaws

Last weekend we made a quick trip down to visit the Memaws and Pawpaw. We were supposed to meet up with friends in Shreveport but their daughter got sick so they had to cancel. So since it was Memaw Fagan's birthday, we decided to go celebrate with her. The kids had fun fishing, chasing dragon flies, climbing a tree and catching bugs. We all went out to eat on Sunday afternoon.

Hello World!

I want to say hello to whoever is looking at my blog in either Norway or Sweden!! I can't wait to show the kids on the map. This is going to be a fun geography lesson pointing out all the places that people live who view our blog. I also see a hit down in Malaysia (I think). The Internet has truly made our world a smaller place. I hope I don't bore you with all the American political talk. Of course it would be neat to learn about the political systems of all the different countries. I'm sure we will talk about it at some point in our homeschooling journey. I wish I had many lifetimes to learn everything I am now interested in!!

Values Voters and Huckabee

Click here and here for a good article about how Ron Paul is so misunderstood by some Christians.

Click here and here for articles about why Mike Huckabee is NOT a good choice!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oh, I Love You---by James

Oh I love you
I goo you up
I do.... oh, I do
I give you slobber kisses.

Autumn Leaves ---by Callie

Autumn Leaves
The leaves at Fall, fall down today
They have pretty leaves and colors.
A little gray and white kitten comes to play
Hoppity hoppity catch
The wind blows smoothly
The leaves fall gently
Oh how I love the fall!
The little kitten pounces on the leaves
He says,"meow, meow, meow," to the falling leaf that he caught.
He gets ready to pounce,
He meows,"My name is Gracious, leaf!"
And the leaf just waits there in his paw… silent.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

October Fun

Well here it is...three hours since I fell asleep last night. Thanks to my early riser, Joshey! I need to get my really strong black organic tea brewing and wake myself up to start my day. I have to climb Mt. Laundry among other things I have been putting off. But before I do that, I just had to share some of the the Halloween fun the kids have had over the last week....... and then I promise not to look at the computer ALL day....honest!

Last weekend we went to the Halloween birthday party for my nephew who turned 4 and my niece who turned 1! The kids had so much fun. Here they are with their cousins all dressed up:

We also had a very nice visit with Oma and Grandaddy and had lots of fun at the Dallas Arboretum frolicking among the pumpkin patch and the hay maze!

"Thanks for playing with me Grandaddy!! You're the best!"

Having fun at the church carnival on Halloween:

And last but not least....the pumpkin I carved of Charlie Brown & Snoopy looking at the moon:

I need my sleep.....

Oh help! It's 2:51 am and here I am sitting at the computer.....reading blogs....surfing the web...blogging....this is so addictive!'s so nice to be ALONE, with no noise, no screaming kids. Just quiet, me and my thoughts and the thoughts of the information superhighway. But...I am going to be worthless tomorrow. Good thing it is Saturday and daddy will be here to help corral the kids..hopefully! My eyes are about to pop out.....Arg. I better go to bed. Goodnight and God bless!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wake Up America!!

I have just seen this section of 60 minutes about what trouble our nation is in economically. You have to watch it. It is an interview with our nation's head accountant. It's time for us to wake up!! It's like we are all walking around like zombies in this great national denial: the people, the politicians. We are not being told the truth! What kind of legacy are we leaving for our children?

Watch FreeMe.TV and campaign for Ron Paul if you love this country and your freedom!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Constitutional Immorality

I am voting for Ron Paul and I urge you to as well because of . . .

Dr. Paul’s honest diagnosis of our country’s grave and systemic disease,
Constitutional Immorality

Please consider Dr. Paul’s own words below:
Before the House of Representatives, Jan. 18, 2006

Concerning the Abramoff scandal
“It’s been suggested we need to change course and correct the way Congress is run. A good
idea, but if we merely tinker with current attitudes about what role the federal government ought to play in our lives, it won’t do much to solve the ethics crisis. True reform is impossible without addressing the immorality of wealth redistribution. Merely electing new leaders and writing more rules to regulate those who petition Congress will achieve nothing.
Could it be that we’re all looking in the wrong places for a solution to recurring, constant,
and pervasive corruption in government? Perhaps some of us in Congress are mistaken
about the true problem; perhaps others deliberately distract us from exposing the truth about
how miserably corrupt the budget process in Congress is. Others simply are in a state of
denial. But the denial will come to an end as the Abramoff scandal reveals more and more. It
eventually will expose the scandal of the ages: how and to what degree the American people
have become indebted by the totally irresponsible spending habits of the U.S. Congress—as
encouraged by successive administrations, condoned by our courts, and enjoyed by the
recipients of the largesse.
This system of government is coming to an end—a fact that significantly contributes to
the growing anxiety of most Americans, especially those who pay the bills and receive little in
return from the corrupt system that has evolved over the decades.
Believe me, if everybody benefited equally there would be scant outcry over a little bribery
and influence peddling. As our country grows poorer and more indebted, fewer people
benefit. The beneficiaries are not the hard working, honest people who pay the taxes. The
groups that master the system of lobbying and special interest legislation are the ones who truly
The steady erosion of real wealth in this country, and the dependency on government
generated by welfarism and warfarism, presents itself as the crisis of the ages. Lobbying scandals
and the need for new leadership are mere symptoms of a much, much deeper problem. . . .
Dealing with lobbying scandals while ignoring the scandal of unconstitutional runaway
government will solve nothing. . . .

For Ron Paul’s full statement see

Before the House Banking Committee, May 6, 2002
Opposing the reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank
“Mr. Chairman, Congress should reject H.R. 2871, the Export-Import Reauthorization
Act, for economic, constitutional, and moral reasons. The Export-Import Bank (Eximbank)
takes money from American taxpayers to subsidize exports by American companies. Of
course, it is not just any company that receives Eximbank support; the majority of Eximbank
funding benefit large, politically powerful corporations.
Enron provides a perfect example of how Eximbank provides politically-powerful corporations
competitive advantages they could not obtain in the free market. . . . Enron has received
over $640 million in taxpayer-funded “assistance” from Eximbank. This taxpayer-provided
largesse no doubt helped postpone Enron's inevitable day of reckoning.
Eximbank's use of taxpayer funds to support Enron is outrageous, but hardly surprising.
The the vast majority of Eximbank funds benefit Enron-like outfits that must rely on political
connections and government subsidies to survive. . . .
It is not only bad economics to force working Americans, small business, and entrepreneurs
to subsidize the export of the large corporations: it is also immoral. In fact, this
redistribution from the poor and middle class to the wealthy is the most indefensible aspect of
the welfare state, yet it is the most accepted form of welfare. Mr. Speaker, it never ceases to
amaze me how members who criticize welfare for the poor on moral and constitutional
grounds see no problem with the even more objectionable programs that provide welfare for
the rich.
The moral case against Eximbank is strengthened when one considers that the government
which benefits most from Eximbank funds is communist China. In fact, Eximbank
actually underwrites joint ventures with firms owned by the Chinese government! Whatever
one's position on trading with China, I would hope all of us would agree that it is wrong to
force taxpayers to subsidize in any way this brutal regime. Unfortunately, China is not an
isolated case: Colombia and Sudan benefit from taxpayer-subsidized trade, courtesy of the
At a time when the Federal budget is going back into deficit and Congress is once again
preparing to raid the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, does it really make sense to use
taxpayer funds to benefit future Enrons, Fortune 500 companies, and communist China?”
For Rep. Paul’s full statement see

For other information on Ron Paul see:

Interview of Ron Paul on MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour–12.html

***************Taken from an email I received. ***************

A Robustly Christian America

I am voting for Ron Paul and I urge you to as well because . . .

Ron Paul believes in and is fighting for
A Robustly Christian America

Please consider Dr. Paul’s own words:
“Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the
elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion
must be driven from public view. The justification is always that someone,
somewhere, might possibly be offended or feel uncomfortable living in the
midst of a largely Christian society, so all must yield to the fragile
sensibilities of the few. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to
transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally
and culturally biased against Christianity. . . .”
“The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis
in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding
Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly
informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration
of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God,
would be aghast at the federal government’s hostility to religion. The
establishment clause of the First Amendment was simply intended to forbid
the creation of an official state church like the Church of England, not to
drive religion out of public life.

The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously
tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would
eclipse the state in importance. Throughout our nation’s history, churches
have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and
civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense
of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This
is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions
compete with the state for the people’s allegiance, and many devout people
put their faith in God before their faith in the state. Knowing this, the
secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at
our nation’s Christian heritage. . . .”

The above excerpts are from Ron Paul’s article entitled "The War on Religion" and were published December 30, 2003. For the full article, see
For other information on Ron Paul see:

for liberty, justice and the restoration of our republic

*****This was taken from an email I received. CL***************

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