I have just seen this section of 60 minutes about what trouble our nation is in economically. You have to watch it. It is an interview with our nation's head accountant. It's time for us to wake up!! It's like we are all walking around like zombies in this great national denial: the people, the politicians. We are not being told the truth! What kind of legacy are we leaving for our children?
Watch FreeMe.TV and campaign for Ron Paul if you love this country and your freedom!!!!!!!
How to plan your next homeschool year
3 years ago
How come I've never heard of Ron Paul? Maybe it's just that I haven't been paying much attention to the Republican side of the race... The Republican party as a whole disgusts me with their fake morality. I'm gonna have to do some research and see if he really is as different as you say he is. If he lives up to your hype, I could see myself voting for him. If it came down to him and Barack Obama, though, I'm definitely gonna go with Barack. So, Sissy, I guess you oughtta pray that Hillary gets the Democratic nomination!