Here are some pretty pictures of scenes from our backyard . I have been really pleased at how my flower garden has taken off. I never knew zinnias could grow big and huge almost like little baby zinnias that I started from seeds. I also planted some morning glories all along one of the fences and they have just taken over. It is so fun!
I just love dragon flies and we have so many bird friends that visit our bird feeders. Above you can see our friend named Welcome Robin. Everyday we see many hummingbirds, cardinals, finches, sparrows, blue jays, and chickadees. I really want to get pictures of all of them.
Our vegetable garden has done pretty well. Our tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, spinach, and green beans did well. We also had some corn come up. It was really sweet but not very pretty. The ears were underdeveloped. My sugar snap peas got eaten up by something. I planted some Swiss chard late that is now starting to get big. It is so pretty like rhubarb. I've never even eaten it before.