In February President Clinton came to town to speak and campaign for his wife. We went with a group of Ron Paul supporters to wave signs nearby. We saw his motorcade pass by. Someone said they saw him, but I didn' loss for me :) The kids have really had a good time waving signs and passing out fliers to people during the last couple months. Callie and James both really love to talk to people about any and everything.
In early March we had the Texas Republican primary. I stood out at the polls for an hour before Justin had to go to work. It was a very cold morning, like 32 degrees. I felt like my lips were going to freeze off. This is the nifty sign that I made. I stood there trying to talk to people and pass out info before they went in to vote. You would think that people had made up their minds before they went to the polls, but I learned that many people don't really know who they are going to vote for until they get there!!
Then in the afternoon Callie and I went to a different polling place, which happens to be the local elementary school, to talk to people as they went in. We had an interesting experience there...some school official came out of the school and told us not to stand in a certain spot but to cross the street. We were not within the 1oo ft rule, so I think they were harassing me. I just kindly complied, but we actually had better access to people across the street. We were soon joined by the local county judge who was campaigning for his son who was running for constable. He was a very nice man and was telling me all about this pet fox he once had. I had never heard of having a fox as a pet. He told me what kind of fox it was but I can't remember. It was some special breed..not your normal wild fox. But he said it was the sweetest pet, very affectionate. I thought that was neat.
When the polls closed on election day we had the Republican precinct convention. I never even knew such things existed before getting involved in the process. This is where the delegates are chosen to go onto the county convention and changes to the party platform are proposed and passed to go onto the next level. Everyone that was there were chosen as delegates to the county convention because we had like 30 slots to fill and only like 14 people showed up.
Then on March 29th we had the County Convention. It was much more formal that the precinct convention and the Robert's Rules of Order (parliamentary procedure) were followed more strictly. I had laryngitis that day and was very hoarse. I was very frustrated by the way the votes were taken. It seems that it only mattered HOW LOUD you screamed Yea or No. Not really how many people actually voted a certain way. Completely unfair if you ask me. The only time the county chairwoman would allow a standing vote and actually count them is if is sounded close to her ears!! Arg!
But I did get chosen as an alternate to go onto the State Convention in June. I am so excited about going. It will be a nice getaway for me. My mom is going to watch the kids and I will be gone from Thur. to Sat. A lady in my Ron Paul group is going to share a room with me in Houston. I think it will be a great learning experience.
People have asked me if I am disapointed that Ron Paul did not get the Republican Nomination and they can't understand why he is still officially in the race. Well to answer that...Yes, I am disappointed that he did not get the nomination...but I understand that his campaign is just the starting point for this new revolution of thought. He is plugging along with this campaign to keep promoting these ideas of Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity that have become lost to this country! Others will take up where he left off. More and more people with his mindset are starting to run for various offices and they have much support!!
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